Using Mindsensor's SumoEyes on ev3dev

03 Feb 2020

This blog will explain how to use the SumoEyes sensor from SumoEyes is a dual range, triple zone infrared obstacle detector for LEGO NXT and EV3.

In ev3dev there isn’t a driver for this sensor (yet), but there is still an easy way to use it: by reading the output voltage of the sensor. Take the following steps to do this:

In the Python code you can do it like this:

# Mindsensor Sumo-eyes connected to port 1
in1 = LegoPort(INPUT_1)
in1.mode = 'nxt-analog'
sumo = Sensor(INPUT_1)

Now you can read the voltage ouput with:

sumo_value = sumo.value()

The value is an integer giving the voltage in mVolts, so devide by 1.000 to convert it to Volts. The output voltage changes when the sensor detects an object:

Following sample code runs a robot with two LargeMoters and it uses the sensor measurements to avoid obstacles:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import stderr
import math
import random
from ev3dev2.sensor import INPUT_1, Sensor
from ev3dev2.motor import OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_D, MoveSteering
from ev3dev2.port import LegoPort
from time import sleep

def sign():
    """ Return randomly -1 or 1."""
    return random.randrange(-1, 2, 2)


# Mindsensor Sumo-eyes connected to port 1
in1 = LegoPort(INPUT_1)
in1.mode = 'nxt-analog'
sumo = Sensor(INPUT_1)

# Motors
move_steering = MoveSteering(OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_D)

while True:
    # Read output voltage of SumoEye sensor
    # Divide by 1000 and convert to int (so you get a
    # value between 0 and 4, see constants above)
    sumo_value = int(sumo.value()/1000)
    if sumo_value == SUMO_NONE:
        # Road ahead is clear, keep driving forward
        move_steering.on(0, 30)
    elif sumo_value == SUMO_FRONT:
        # Road in front is blocked, change direction (random)
        move_steering.on(sign()*100, 30)
    elif sumo_value == SUMO_RIGHT:
        # Road on the right is blocked, steer to the left
        move_steering.on(50, 30)
    elif sumo_value == SUMO_LEFT:
        # Road on the left is blocked, steer to the right
        move_steering.on(-50, 30)

There is one drawback: the sensor has two possible modes, a short-range and a long-range mode. In the way we are using this sensor here, it is not possible to set the mode.

Useful links: