Stamped with text: Stable

Today, we are releasing ev3dev-stretch R2. This is a minor security and stability update and is recommended for all users of ev3dev-stretch. Thank you to everyone who has downloaded ev3dev-stretch snapshots, tested them and reported issues on GitHub.

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Official contest banner

LEGO and Amazon have announced a contest for creating voice controlled robots using Alexa and LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3. And the best part is that it builds on ev3dev!

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Stamped with text: Release Candidate

We have a new stable release candidate ready for testing. Be a pal and try it out.

Download snapshot-ev3dev-stretch-ev3-generic-2019-09-08.img.xz from here.

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EV3 MicroPython

LEGO just officially released MicroPython for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 and it runs on top of ev3dev!

With contributions from the community, LEGO has worked hard to make (Micro)Python programming more accessible than ever.

Head over to the LEGO Education website to give it a try.

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Stamped with text: Stable

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded ev3dev-stretch snapshots, tested the latest kernel and reported issues on GitHub. We’re declaring ev3dev-stretch as the new stable version of ev3dev.

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