mindsensors.com Has released a new camera sensor, the NXTCam5. So, we’ve added support for it to ev3dev. The sensor API is basically the same as its predecessors’, but this camera is much more advanced. For example, it can track faces and lines, and take pictures and record videos. You can also easily modify the software on the camera itself using python. It’s pretty cool.

Additional changes:

  • Enabled kernel modules needed for tethering, which has apparently been broken for a while and nobody noticed.
  • Added a PASSIVE mode for HiTechnic Color Sensor V2.
  • Enable 9V out on input port pin 1 in other-i2c mode.

Version Info

In this round of releases, we have:

  • v4.4.78-21-ev3dev-ev3 for EV3.
  • v4.4.68-ti-rt-r112-21-ev3dev-bb.org for BeagleBone.
  • v4.4.78-21-ev3dev-rpi for Raspberry Pi 0/1.
  • v4.4.78-21-ev3dev-rpi2 for Raspberry Pi 2/3.

You can also find this kernel in the ev3dev-jessie snapshot builds starting with 2017-07-25.


For a more complete changelog, follow the link for your platform: EV3, BB, RPi or RPi2.

Post Info

  • Posted on 25 July 2017
  • @dlech